Signs from Spirit

Spirit is always communicating with us. How we receive the message, is what makes everyone’s experience a little bit different. Everyone has intuitive senses, and it is important to be aware of what intuitive senses are naturally open and developed for you. This is how you will receive, process energy, and intuitive messages. It is important to be present and to use your own discernment. Speaking from experience, some signs you will not understand so clearly and it may take time to process the deeper truth of it. Other signs may be clear as day. I advise everyone to have their own journal dedicated for recording your experiences, dreams, and signs from spirit so you can form your own library of meanings that resonate for you.

The Clair Senses

Some Senses may be more open and natural for you. Others may be dormant. It is entirely possible to train and develop your Intuitive Senses. It just takes time and effort to do so.

  • Clairvoyance - Clear Intuitive Sight or Vision - to receive images and visuals as messages from Spirit

  • Clairaudience - Clear Intuitive Hearing or Audio - to hear messages as voices or having full blown conversations with Spirit like hearing songs, lyrics, music, or hearing voices

  • Claircognizance - Clear Intuitive Knowing - receiving intuitive downloads as new ideas & information from Spirit

  • Clairsentience - Clear Intuitive Feeling - receiving intuitive downloads as body sensations from Spirit like aches and pains

  • Clairsalience - Clear Intuitive Smell - receiving intuitive downloads and information from Spirit by experiencing scents and smells

  • Clairgustance - Clear Intuitive Taste - receiving intuitive downloads and information from Spirit by experiencing tastes and textures in the mouth

  • Clairempathy - Clear Intuitive Emotion - receiving intuitive downloads and information from Spirit by experiencing the emotions around you

  • Clairtangency - Clear Intuitive Touch - the intuitive ability to handle an object or touch an area and receive intuitive downloads and messages from Spirit

Angel Numbers Meanings

Numbers hold vibrations, frequencies, and meanings. Understand what these numbers could potential mean for you. Pay attention to your thoughts and surroundings as you experience the angel numbers in your personal life.

  • 1111 - Intuition - You are on the right path. You are being guided. Notice & trust in the signs that are given to you.

  • 2222 - Alignment - You are in the right place at the right time. Good omen for harmony.

  • 3333 - Support - You Spirit Guides are sending you support & encouragement. Anticipate the arrival of good news.

  • 4444 - Protection - Universal sign that you are being protected & guided. Be firm with your boundaries & values with others.

  • 5555 - Change - This is a warning that a shift or change is about to occur within your life, embrace it.

  • 6666 - Reflect - It is time for introspection and to embody your divine truth. A sign to refocus & connect with your Higher Self.

  • 7777 - Inner Strength & Luck - Your manifestations are on the way ! Let it flow to you. Keep doing what you are doing.

  • 8888 - Balance - Everything is falling into place. Good things are happening in your favor. You are in harmony.

  • 9999 - Release - Let go of what is no longer serving you. The Universal sign of an ending of a cycle in your life.

  • 0000 - New beginnings. A fresh start.

  • 1234 - A sign of encouragement to move forward. You are being guided on your next steps to take towards alignment.

Specific Animals Meanings

Sometimes our Spirit Guides will us signs through specific animals or insects to convey a specific message. This is a very general list, your Spirit Guides and Ancestors are not limited to the animals or insects (on this list) that they will use to connect with you. The messages can also vary depending on cultural references and sentimental values as well. Please use your own discernment. These signs may show up physically or within your dreams.

  • Butterfly - Transformation and profound change. Death and rebirth.

  • Spider - Create and weave your reality. Tap into your divine feminine side.

  • Crow - Shift to a higher perspective and recognize the magic in everything that is happening to you and around you.

  • Owl - Connect with your intuition and see beyond the illusions. A potential sign for you to embark on a journey.

  • Hummingbird - Connect with your sense of joy and try to not take things so seriously.

  • Hawk - A sign to take inventory of where you are in life and what your next step is. Tap into your inner wisdom and intuition to guide you.

  • Grasshopper - Take a leap of faith. Considered good luck. May be a sign that you are struggling with a decision and to move forward with confidence that the outcome will be in your favor.

  • Eagle - A sign to reconnect with your spiritual path and divine truth. Trust your heart over your logical mind.

  • Dragon - Transformation, defensive, motivational, authoritative, magical, and strength.

  • Horse - Freedom, adventurous, freedom, mobility, independence, friendship and endurance.

  • Jellyfish - Faith, transparency, illumination, acceptance, sensitivity, protection, and intention.

  • Ladybug - Good fate, true love, innocence, metamorphosis, pious intervention and illusionary.

  • Peacock - Beauty, knowledge, self-esteem, foresight, endurance, royalty, love and sexuality.

  • Penguin - Community-minded, grace, discipline, confidence, sacrifice, determination.

  • Rabbit - Creativity, prosperity, intensity, love, cleverness, sensitivity, harmony, and imagination.

  • Snake - Impulsive, power, transformation, magic, fear, wisdom and healing.

  • Turtle - Wisdom, patience, speed, endurance, longevity, protection and peace.

  • Wasp - Aggressive, creative, fertility, intelligence, teamwork, enthusiasm and determination.

  • Wolf - Protection, partnership, loyalty, compassion, spirituality, togetherness, and power.

  • Whale - Wisdom, power, strength, self-reliance, protection, bravery and ancestry.

Feather Meanings

  • White Feathers - a reminder to keep the faith, you’re supported and protected. Can also be a sign that your Deceased Loved Ones are well and have successfully crossed over.

  • Red Feathers - signify life force energy, physical vitality, stability, strength, passion and courage.

  • Orange Feathers - carry messages of creativity, listening to your inner voice, and staying positive to attract success.

  • Blue Feathers - bring a calming and peaceful energy, and are connected to communication, awareness, and are often a reminder to listen.

  • Gray Feathers - a sign to go within and connect with your sense of inner peace. Gray is also neutral, and can be a sign that the answer to your question is not yes/no or black/white.

  • Black Feathers - a sign that you are protected and that you hold spiritual wisdom within and that you should connect with that

  • Purple Feathers - carry messages of deep spirituality, transmutation of negativity, a potential sign that your intuitive abilities are growing.

  • Brown Feathers - signify grounding, home life, and stability. Allow yourself to balance between the physical and spiritual.

  • Green Feathers - signify abundance and prosperity, a fertile opportunity, as well as vibrant well-being, health, and love.

  • Yellow Feathers - a reminder to be cheerful, light-hearted, to be present, and alert. Stay focus to what you desire to magnetize the blessings into your life.

  • Pink Feathers - a reminder of the unconditional love of your Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors. Accept love into your life.

Other Signs from Spirit

  • Flickering Lights & Electrical Disturbances - spirits are present in the room and trying to get your attention.

  • Changes in room temperature - signifies the presence of an etheric being; spirits may be passing through a portal or passing by you.

  • Sounds and Music - spirits can use frequencies and vibrations to send messages through Clairaudience. This can be lyrics that pop up in your head, hearing your name being called, or hearing a physical song. Listen to the message.

  • Clocks Stopping - can represent a significant time or numerical message, like angel numbers meanings or a reminder of the time of a deceased person (like the time they died or the time you received news of their demise) and you are being visited.

  • Faces of people who lived - you see people who look very similar to people who are deceased, could be a potential sign that particular spirit is wanting to connect with you and give you comfort or closure.

  • Touches - sometimes you can feel the physical connection between you and a spirit; this can be pressure, or tickles, or cold chills or warmth. Usually an indication of energy healing or comfort.

  • Technology - sometimes spirits will connect with technology to give you messages or help you find specific information. This can a post on your social media, computers glitching on their own, sending emails that you didn’t send yourself, receiving downloaded documents. Usually glitches are a sign of delay or Spirit’s way or redirecting you.

  • Dreams or Visions - Spirits can visit us in our dream state or send us visions while we are “tuned out” or “daydreaming”. When we allow ourselves to be relaxed, present, and open we can make the intention to connect and receive messages. Generally speaking, most of us are running on “autopilot” and it may be easier for Spirit to connect with us in dream state, since we are not distracted and we are physically at rest to receive. Always write down your experiences, you can decipher the meanings later !

  • Photographs - usually an indication that whatever is within the photograph has significance and relevance to now. Sometimes spirits will allow themselves to materialize into photographs to highlight their presence or they could lead you to finding a specific image.

  • Natural Phenomenon - During times of stress and uncertainty, spirits can send us rainbows, storms, and lights to convey a message.

  • Flowers - Spirits can send us flowers as a sign to be present, slow down, feel, be, and experience. Also a sign of comfort. Pay attention to the colors of the petals as this can add depth to the message.

  • Coins or Bills - A sign to recognize what abundance you already have and new money is on its way to you.

  • Lights or Shadows in the corner of your eye - Your clairvoyance is growing and your Spirit Guides are trying to get your attention.

  • Items falling - Could be a sign to get your attention or a potential sign of evil eye energy coming your way and you need to cleanse and set protection wards and aura shield.

  • Goosebumps - you sense an energetic shift around you like a spirit passing by or could be validation or confirmation of something

  • Voices or Sounds - your clairaudience is growing and you need to tune into the frequency to receive the depth of the message.

  • Smells and Odors - usually an sign that spirit is wanting to connect with you and make its presence known by scent like perfume. Fowl smells are indications of malicious entities and evil spirits.

  • Phone Calls - Very rare and take a lot of energy from a spirit to do this. A spirit connecting with you through clairaudience. Getting your attention in a very deliberate way.

  • Spontaneous repetitive thoughts - you are receiving intuitive downloads through claircognizance

  • Synchronicities - not coincidences, usually a sign that you are on the right path and need to be more present and grounded

Our Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and Angels are always connecting with us. It is up to us to be receptive and aware when they do. Remember that if you do not like the way that your Guides are sending you signs, that you can always tell them that you prefer a different way. They will not be offended, just make it known to them. You want your Guides to work with you and sometimes that takes communication and effort on your part. Also keep in mind that we are in the physical realm, so it is very dense and harder to spirits to cultivate enough energy to push into our reality. You can always make the intention or prayer to connect with your Guides. Allow yourself to tune into your senses and fully experience so that you can receive the full depth of the messages your Spirit Guide Team wants you to know.


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